Sunday 26 August 2012

Shukubo (Temple Lodging) in Kyoto, written by Ed Jacob Return to Main Menu on Temple Lodging in Japan Says Ed-san: “The Information here is based mostly on the Japan National Tourist Organization (JNTO) Pamphlet entitled "Shukubo.” See Ed Jacob’s Shukubo Main Page See JNTO Pamphlet Shukubo in Kyoto (PDF File) This web site and writer Ed Jacob assume no liability for your dealings with these lodges. Prices may vary from those listed below. Shoho-in Address Omiya-Matsubara Nishi-iru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-811-7768 Room Charge 5000 per person Remarks English Spoken Hiden-in Address 35 Sennyui Sandai-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-561-8781 Room Charge 4,500 per person, including breakfast Remarks English spoken. Reserve at least one day in advance Shinnyo Sanso Address 82 Shinnyo-cho, Jodoji, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-751-8073, Fax 075-771-1304 Room Charge 5,000 with breakfast, 6,500 with breakfast on Saturday and in high season Remarks English spoken. Reservation by fax or mail Gesshin-in Address Shimogawara, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-561-8088 Room Charge 3,500 with breakfast Remarks Unmarried couples are not allowed to share rooms! Myorenji Address Teranouchi Omiya Higashi-iru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-451-3527 Room Charge 3,500 Remarks No English. No bath (Public bath in the neighbourhood) Myokenji Address Teranouchi Horikawa Higashi-iru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-414-0808 Room Charge 4,500 (without breakfast), 5,000 (with breakfast) Remarks No English. Daishin-in Address Hanazono myoshinji-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-461-5714 Room Charge 4,500 with breakfast Remarks No English. Reservation by a reply-paid postcard preferred Torin-In Address Hanazono Myoshinji-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-463-1334 Room Charge 4,700 with breakfast, 5,700 with dinner and breakfast Remarks No English. Foreign guests must be acompanied by a Japanese person Kosho Kaikan Address Horikawa Shichijo kado, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-361-7666 Room Charge 4,200 to 5,460 Remarks Ferro-concrete building. English spoken Chishakuin Kaikan Address Higashiyama Nanajo, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-541-5363 Room Charge 6,500 with breakfast, 8,000 with dinner and breakfast Remarks Hanazono-Kaikan Address Nanazono Myoshinji-cho, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-461-6857 Room Charge 5,500 to 12,000 Remarks Ferro-concrete building, No English Omuro Kaikan Address Omuro Ouchi, Ukyo-ku,Kyoto Telephone 075-464-3664 Room Charge 4,000 with breakfast, 8,000 with dinner and breakfast Remarks Ferro-concrete building, no English Nishihonganji Monto Kaikan Address Horikawa Hanaya-cho Nishi-iru, Shimogyo-kyu, Kyoto Telephone 075-361-4436 Room Charge 4,000 Remarks Ferro-concrete building, no English Senbon Emmado Address Sembon Kuramaguchi Sagaru, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-462-3332 Room Charge 5,000 with breakfast Remarks Ferro-concrete building, no English Jorenge-In Address 407 Ohara-raigoin-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-744-2408 Room Charge 7,000 with dinner and breakfast Remarks No English Hieizan Enryakuji Kaikan This Shukubo is located on the beautiful and historic Mt. Hiei. This is one of the most important sites in Kyoto's history, and is a UNESCO world heritage site. Once you get away from the main temples, which are crowded with package tourists, there are some lovely walks to old temples that are rarely visited yet are much more beautiful and atmosperic than the more popular ones in the main area. Hieizan is beautiful, but the Shukubo is rather expensive, the food is mediocre, and the building itself it faux-Japanese so a stay here is not recommended. Address Hieizan Sakamoto Hon-cho, Otsu-shi, Shiga Telephone 0775-78-0047 Room Charge 11,000 with breakfast, 12,000-14,000 with dinner and breakfast Remarks Ferro-concrete building, no English

Saturday 25 August 2012

旧 waleyhahaha waleyhahaha 当前离线 背包客 帖子: 40 性别: 女生 感谢: 0次/0帖 注册日期: 2004-10-04 京都寺庙住宿、宿坊、东寺庵 - 2005-01-17, 20:30 版工 roegt 注: 本讨论区为京都民宿、饭店综合讨论区,人气较高的民宿及饭店另有讨论区,请参考下列链接: 1.【京.阪.神的住宿情报】及关西综合区域住宿讨论<--较早期信息及跨地区的讨论 2.【民宿TOUR CLUB;BUDGET INN;k's house】讨论区 3.关于京都民宿 J-HOPPER 4.京都便宜民宿[东山Ivy]讨论区 5.京都的日式酒店[锦水馆]及[大原之里]讨论区 6.京都背包客可以住.costadelsol离车站慢慢走约15分 7.关于APA hotel京都订房的问题(两家均已歇业,其他APA于3/1起歇业) 8.求救!京都饭店全满 !含j-hoppers, ohto鸭东, costadelsol, apahotel, 乐天等
ISTJ ISTJ 目前離線 流浪漢 文章: 4 感謝: 0次/0篇 註冊日期: 2005-10-29 住宿 - 京都寺廟 - 2005-10-29, 14:47 forum 上有很多住宿的消息, 但是很少人選擇住在寺廟. 我想請問有沒有人有住過寺廟的經驗. 我在英文網站上看到了幾間可以講英文的寺院. 但是在地圖上找不到. 不知道有沒有善心人士可以幫我翻譯一下地址.. 謝謝 Shukubo (Temple Lodging) in Kyoto Shoho-in Address Omiya-Matsubara Nishi-iru, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-811-7768 Room Charge 5000 per person Remarks English Spoken Hiden-in Address 35 Sennyui Sandai-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-561-8781 Room Charge 4,500 per person, including breakfast Remarks English spoken. Reserve at least one day in advance Shinnyo Sanso Address 82 Shinnyo-cho, Jodoji, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto Telephone 075-751-8073, Fax 075-771-1304 Room Charge 5,000 with breakfast, 6,500 with breakfast on Saturday and in high season Remarks English spoken. Reservation by fax or mail 回覆時引用此篇文章